About ThePeoplePowerRevolution.org
ThePeoplePowerRevolution.org aims to help revolutionize society by giving power to the people. This is about doing things differently. Finding ways to do things that do not rely on big centralized systems but utilize the power of many individuals.
About Michael J. Thompson
Michael J. Thompson is the main contributor of articles.
Michael is interested in the way systems work and how they can be used to create a better society.
Michael worked as a statistician in government where he was involved in the collection and analysis of social and economic data.
He has also consulted to businesses, government and other organisations in a variety of areas including business and marketing research and analytics.
Michael has a PhD using complexity theory to analyse and understand the way organizational systems work and has been involved in research and consulting into the complexity science and other properties of organizational, business and marketing systems.
Complexity theory is the science of how decentralized systems function, including many natural systems and human systems such as markets and societies. This has the potential to create new ways of looking at problems and to create new ways of solving them.
But mostly, Michael has had enough of the corruption and stupidity that is wrecking our society. So look out!